Essential oil 精油

ベーシック Single essential oil

イランイラン Ylang Ylang


A scent beloved by Yang Guifei and Cleopatra. The sweet, exotic aroma calms and relaxes the mind, while also bringing feelings of joy and happiness. It enhances feminine energy and promotes a sense of well-being.

スイートオレンジ Sweet Orange


It relieves stress and the refreshing citrus scent uplifts the mood, making it bright and positive.

ゼラニウム Geranium


The sweet scent reminiscent of roses helps to balance the autonomic nervous system and hormone secretion, bringing harmony to both the mind and body, easing stress. It encourages the acceptance of emotions and stimulates intuition and creativity.

ベルガモット Bergamot

心を落ち着かせ、癒しと活力をもたらし、 爽やかな柑橘系の香りが抑えられた感情を解き放ちます。

It calms the mind, brings healing and vitality, and releases suppressed emotions with its refreshing citrus scent.

ラベンダー Lavender


A universally beloved herb, lavender releases built-up stress and emotions, soothing the mind and body, and bringing tranquility and confidence.

ティーツリー Tea Tree

オーストラリアの先住民アボリジニが愛用する、清潔でさわやかな香りのハーブ、ティーツリー。 抗菌・抗ウイルス作用、免疫力向上効果に優れています。 気分をリフレッシュさせ、不安を和らげ、心を落ち着かせる効果もあります。 森の中にいるような香りが安心感を与えます。

Tea Tree is a herb favored by Australia's indigenous Aboriginal people, known for its refreshing and clean scent. It boasts excellent antibacterial and antiviral properties, as well as immune-boosting effects. It refreshes the mood, calms the mind by reducing anxiety, and provides a sense of security with its forest-like aroma.

レモングラス Lemongrass

レモングラスは、レモンに似た柑橘系の甘い爽やかさと、ハーブ調の香りを楽しむことができるハーブです。 気分をリフレッシュし、ストレスを解消し、抗うつ効果をもたらし、やる気を高めてくれます。

Lemongrass offers both a sweet, refreshing citrus-like aroma similar to lemon and an herbal scent. It refreshes the mood, helps relieve stress and depression, and boosts motivation.

グレープフルーツ Grapefruit

明るく陽気な気分にさせてくれるみずみずしい香り。 心配や不安、緊張した気持ちを和らげ、 気分を高め、心の重さを取り除いてくれます。

It offers a fresh scent that uplifts the mood and brings brightness. It helps to alleviate worries, anxiety, and tense feelings, lifting the spirits and clearing away mental fog.

ローズマリー Rosemary


Rosemary offers a fresh, clear herbal scent. Known as the "herb of rejuvenation," it invigorates both the mind and body. It provides support to uplift the spirits and motivation, especially during times of feeling down. Additionally, it enhances concentration and memory, refreshing the mood.